Hello Pinterest friends! If you are viewing this blog via Pinterest....welcome! This is actually my old blog from my previous school. Feel free to look around and enjoy! I also have a NEW BLOG that I try to update frequently, so please visit my new blog at www.hsesartyparty.blogspot.com
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Students in First grade have been hard at work! Half of the grade level finished up their chalk pastel Self Portraits that turned out gorgeous! We spent some time talking and looking at Self Portraits before they began. Working on black paper, they outlined their pictures using Elmers Glue. When the glue dried it had a raised, shiney, black texture. The children colored their pictures with colored chalk pastels and were instructed to give their background a patterned design. I am currently working on getting all of these displayed in the hall outside of my room. Come take a look! There are several other first grade projects under way and I hope to post about them soon.